Painfully Clueless 15-July-2015: Ed Mullins, President of the NYPD SBA

image credit: original post [linked], no official source found for this image.

image credit: original post [linked], no official source found for this image.

     On Tuesday July 7th, 2015 current President of the New York Police Department's Seargent's Benevolent Association wrote an editorial on the New York Post criticizing the civil award of $5.9 million to the family of Eric Garner.

     Swing and a miss, by a mile Mr. Mullins! Congratulations, you are officially the first of what will likely be numerous recipients of the "Painfully Clueless" award. Here's why you are this week's winner:

     Human lives MATTER, Mr. Mullins.  THIS is the lesson to take away from awarding Eric Garner's family such a large sum of money. Sure, it's probably true that Mr. Garner would not have earned this much money in his remaining years. The thing is, that is simply irrelevant. This amount is fair because it's meant to punish the guilty where the criminal justice system failed.

     Mr. Garner's remaining life was STOLEN from him by those that are supposed to be sworn to protect him and other citizens like him.  Over a misdemeanor with no day in court where the state had to prove an actual crime was committed. No jury, no chance to defend himself against the accusations.

     The real tragedy in this payout being given to the Garner family {aside from the obvious loss of Mr. Garner himself) is that the innocent people of New York have to foot the bill. Where this money SHOULD come from is from the paycheck and pension of Officers Daniel Pantaleo, Justin Damico, their Chief of Police, yourself and Patrolman's Benevolent Association Patrick Lynch!

** This commentary inspired by the linked Raw Story post & Mr. Mullins' own NY Post editorial which is NOT linked here so as not to give this clown any benefit of further web traffic to his garbage.